Following last month's epic effort my practice has been quite significantly limited. The holiday burnt up a huge amount of potential time to hone my skills and in between I crammed in as many holes as I could. The main reason for this conscious choice was to bed in a new on course approach. This would hopefully enable me to replicate my range ball striking. The rounds stats seem to indicate that this is working. That said a visit to the range could well be on the cards to help eradicate a swing flaw that is more prevalent (and damaging) in the longer clubs. The way our fairways are at the moment just flirting with the edges can have catastrophic consequences. So a premium being placed on ball control, ably supported by a lot of putting drills.
Distance | Time (minutes) | % of practice time |
Driver | 0 | 0% |
Other Woods | 0 | 0% |
200 - 250 yards | 0 | 0% |
150 – 200 yards | 0 | 0% |
100 – 150 yards | 90 | 32% |
Short Approach | 135 | 47% |
Bunker Play | 20 | 7% |
Putting | 40 | 14% |
Total | 285 | 100% |
The month didn't begin very well. A measly 26 point haul was swiftly followed by 110 in the medal. I was aghast and despondent. How had I fallen so far so quickly. A brief pep talk and some kindly advice and I was back in the game. In the rounds that have followed (three nine holes and two full rounds) I have amassed 17, 19, 18, 40 and 39 points respectively. To make things better I don't feel that on any of those occasions I have played anywhere near my potential. Lapses of concentration and scrappy chipping/putting/bunker play have cost me shots they shouldn't have. The fact is I've been scoring well despite that, salvaging single pointers when I play a bad hole and making up for it with threes and even the odd four point salvo. The stats are therefore a blend of two awful performances and a steady improvement. As a result they do not show a huge leap on from April, but I have a feeling that June's report will be a little bit special!
Statistic | Performance | SS2 Handicap level |
Fairways in Regulation | 33% (28%) | 20 (22) |
Greens in Regulation | 15% (17%) | 16 (15) |
Putts per Round | 35.79 (35.31) | 19 (19) |
Birdie Conversion | 8% (0%) | 25 (28+) |
Par Scrambles | 8% (7%) | 27 (28+) |
Sand Saves | 0% (0%) | 28+ (28+) |
Penalties per Round | 3.93 (1.38) | 28+ (14) |
The SS2 handicap level is a calculation made indicating your performance on different facets of your game.
I have let my short game work go off the boil and I need to dedicate some more time to that. But my priority is ironing out the destructive fade that at times can become a weak slice. Do that and my scores will really start to tumble...
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