Friday 17 September 2010

I love Lamkin

Well it didn't take long to resolve my dilemma, thanks primarily to Brett from Lamkin. You have to hand it to them, the Yanks do understand the importance of good customer service. I emailed Lamkin on Wednesday night and explained my questions. I was confused by getting conflicting information from various grip fitting guides and what I found comfortable. Problem is my grip feels nice and snuggly in my right hand but a little too big in my left hand. My shot shape (on good connections) is a gentle draw.

This is what Brett had to say:

"Our measurement system and many of them around are merely guidelines of where to start looking for grip sizes. The real test is going to be the comfort that you feel with the grip in your hand, it's a lot of personal preference! Some players with small hands use a larger grip because it feels more comfortable in their hands and at the address position before you start your swing...

...the N-DUR and the Performance Plus grips are both built up ( a bit larger) in the bottom hand of the grip. The N-DUR is built up about a 1/2 layer of tape underneath, so about (1/32 of an inch), and the Performance Plus grip is built up about 1 full layer of tape, about (1/16 of an inch) BOTH in the bottom hand ONLY! This will also affect the shot shape similarly to the larger grips that I explained above without getting larger in the top hand as well...

...If your comfortable in the bottom hand with your OVR. Grip then yes, a midsize N-DUR would probably be a great fit... especially if your top hand is feeling a bit too large. Basically the Midsize N-DUR would cure both those problem, but again it has to feel comfortable. From what I have heard, it sounds like this will be a great match, but I still recommend purchasing one grip and making sure before you spend all the money only to find out its not what you like."

Apparently, this is something professional players request as they prefer a consistent grip thickness over the tapering of many of the models on the market.

Brett was quite forceful in his recommendation that I try it on my 7 iron and then if I like it do the rest of the set. I guess they recognise that if they hook you in you are more likely to be a long term loyal customer.

So from one Brett to another. Playing Brett Vale this afternoon. Wish me luck...

But all in all very happy with the speed,depth and quality of advice. I will be trying out the N-DUR next month and will let you know how I get on.

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