Tuesday 28 September 2010

Disability golf

I have to say it was a bit of a bombshell. I went to sleep on 8th September 2008 feeling fine, I woke up the following morning with no sensation from the neck down. I could still use my limbs but I just couldn't feel them. It was a pretty horrendous experience that extended for the rest of that month. My son was due to be born in early October and I was completely helpless, relying extensively on my other half to carry out simple things like eating, drinking and dressing. Occasionally, I am haunted by that memory and a fear that another relapse is around the corner.

As an MS sufferer you never know when your next attack will come and any signs of fatigue or illness will cause concern, even though it is often a false alarm. I consider myself to be extremely fortunate in that I am participating in a clinical trial and so far it has been just over two years since my last relapse.

That said as a keen sportsman being unable to continue playing football (or most other sports) was a terrible blow and if I had not found golf I don't think I would have been able to deal with my condition half as well.  Golf really has been the crutch that I have heavily lent on over the past year and a chance meeting on the Golf Monthly Forum has opened my eyes to a whole host of people who have benefitted from golf in a similar way. I was quite amazed at how a blend of engineering and sheer grit has enabled countless individuals the opportunity to continue/start playing this truly fantastic sport.

I am therefore happy to be able to promote the Disabled Golf Society on this blog and urge you to get in touch with them if you feel your home course could host a local event. Ask yourself is there more your club could do to encourage and support disabled golfers? Most importantly please help spread the word to anyone that you believe would be interested in this new and exciting organisation.


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