Friday 8 July 2011


I'm sorry but in my humble opinion this is impossible
There is an aquatic phenomenon that will re-surface in London next year. A school of slender women with unfeasibly long legs and a lung capacity that would rival a freediver will take to the pool. Once immersed in the water they will proceed to gracefully 'dance' whilst partially submerged and upside down. They will do this perfectly synchronised until a miserable collection of plump judges will inexplicably dock them points. Where is this rambling prose heading you ask? Well it is linked to a visit to the range I made this morning.

Working from home on a Friday has its perks. Firstly, it means that when the day is done the weekend starts immediately. Secondly, and more importantly, the missus doesn't work on a Friday. This means that first thing I can go to the range before work. Today's visit was a positive step forward. Still working on the 3 wood, connection was good but I was still pulling a few. I think it is because my hips, shoulders and hands are not synchronised but I'll be chatting to my pro about it tomorrow at my lesson. If I could just get that club working I think I could comfortably knock 10 shots off my handicap. I think that the only sensible solution would be to spend some time in the company of an Olympic Synchronised Swimming team. Shadowing their every move I may well learn a thing or two and if it turns out to be a fruitless endeavour, at least I'll be able to enjoy the view.