Thursday 5 August 2010

Where to now?

So I got up early and ventured to Ufford Park to whack some balls and get remeasured. The verdict: the sticks definitely need lengthening. To say I am upset would be an understatement. When you spend that much money to be custom fit and then the clubs are the wrong size is galling in the extreme. My vital statistics:

Finger 3.25"
Hand 8.25"
Wrist to Floor 39.5"
Height 6' 4"

I'll be taking them back from whence they came and asking them to resolve the issue for me and we'll see where we go from there. The tell tale signs:

1. Looking overly crouched at address
2. 'Good shots' being pulled left
3. 'Bad shots' being thins or slices
4. Significant glove wear on the heel of the palm
5. Lower back twinge

I can't get them sorted out before my next medal so will play each shot like a pitched approach clubbing up to boost distance. It's my birthday Saturday, not really the present I was hoping for!


  1. What are the current length of your clubs compared to standard?

    What did your most recent pro advise?

    I found in one of your previous posts that you have "an extra inch on my project X 5.5 shafts".

    If you plug your stats into the Ping webfit page, it says that you need +0.5 inches.

    Is it that your clubs are not the actual length they are stated as being or that the custom-fit sessions have generated different results?

  2. I don't understand it either. What I do know is with my spikes on my wrist to floor is actually 39.75" and that 'normal' is 35". That means I have a measurement that is almost five inches longer than normal. PING webfit was my first port of call when people suggested my clubs were the wrong size but having been put inti position with a better spine angle I think I do need that extra inch. If for Jo other reason than my back is causing me problems. The thing is if I'd been measured properly at the outset and given the option I'd have erred for longer as it's easier to take away than it is to add.
