Monday 12 July 2010

The heavens open

I've been suffering on the course recently with hard fast greens and dry, dusty fairways. I hit so many chips and pitches that landed exactly where I wanted them to only to roll right off the other side of the green. Now I know I don't have the spinning skills just yet but I hit a couple of chips with a SW that you would normally expect to roll on the same distance they were in he air. They just kept going and going and going, you get the picture. The other issue I had was ball striking on hard pan lies another consequence of the recent drought. 

So imagine my delight as I look out my window at what can only be described as a tropical downpour. So I'll pass on the heath today, put in a little putting practice and the hope that a few days of rain like this will help the course to recover just a smidgeon from the recent heat wave. You never know I might actually need to use my pitch mark repair tool. It's been a while!