Your 15th Club, Bob Rotella
(Pocket Books, 2008)
The most recent book in the Bob Rotella series focusses on how golfers can make a long standing approach to the mental side of their game. Whereas previous efforts have related stories of how other players have overcome adversity and the importance of remaining in the present and trusting your skills, this volume takes a slightly different approach.
I am just revisiting this book for a second time before embarking on a re read of the other three Rotella books in my collection. In my opinion anyone wishing to develop the mental side of their game should read this book first. It includes a lot of lessons that will hopefully engrain positive habits that in turn will make the recommendations from Rotella's other works easier to adopt. I certainly am working hard on my belief in my ability to score. Increasingly I see bad shots as opportunities to demonstrate my prowess at scrambling and recovery. When I hit the sand I'm thinking about chalking up another sand save. Most importantly though when I fail to recover, or get up and down, I don't beat myself up, instead choosing to shrug my shoulders and move on to the next hole.
I have also been jotting down my better shots on my scorecards as I go round, but this weekend I'm planning on getting a proper leather bound journal to write anecdotes following my rounds that detail the good shots I play and I will periodically be in the habit of reading that journal to reinforce those positive memories. Some may say it's all mumbo jumbo, but I'm a great believer in positive thinking, you have to be to attempt this challenging project. I'm an unashamed Dr Bob fan and this book strikes gold once again for me.
My rating 91%
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