Wednesday 16 June 2010

Looking like a nob!

Golf pro's must have a wicked sense of humour. In fact I'm willing to bet that at their annual conventions they huddle together and soil themselves in hysteria as they recount the crazy things they have got their charges to do, all in the spirit of becoming better golfers. The latest request from my pro is to work on a drill to help me drive forward through the downswing. This should position my weight better over my left foot on impact, resulting in straighter ball flight with my longer irons and woods.

In order to learn this feat I need to practice the movement and to help reinforce it...yes you've guessed it he has me looking like a nob. To ensure that my arms remain connected in the downswing contributing to the correct position at impact I have to stick a shaft through my belt loops. To make matters worse I need to do this in public.

I have raised a couple of confused glances from dog walkers on the heath and puzzled expressions from golfers on the range. But if it helps me learn how to hit piercing drives, I'll take the (hopefully brief) pain of looking like a complete dick head.