Thursday 12 May 2011

Silver lining...

It seems as though the Blogger maintenance took exception to my previous description of Thursday's round and so I shall try again. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Amen to that. Saturday's debacle and the return to the drawing board is paying dividends. A bit of wind and less accurate ball striking meant I hit no GIR, yet I fared two strokes better with better short game focus. To be fair I did only narrowly miss GIR a couple of times, including being long on two occassions where I absolutely pured the approach. Hard ground, a big bounce and tail wind played a massive part in 8iron (184) 4 iron (238)travelling much further than expected.

A brilliant, even if I do say so myself, ulama down gave me a par on the 5th. But key to everything is that all the pain I have been through is starting to come together in a solid package. Three errors caused the two triples and one double but only one of those was an error in execution. It's been a tough time for me, wading for what seems like an eternity, uphill through treacle.

There are still things to improve, notably my hybrid and 3 wood striking, but for now I am content to be making progress once again.

4(3), 6(5), 4(3), 7(4), 5(5), 4(3), 8(5), 6(4), 5(4)

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