Think. Plan. Do. Whenever he tackles any challenge Sir Clive takes this simple, yet effective approach. He thinks through the problem, plans how to tackle it, then rolls up his sleeves and gets on with it. For the purposes of this challenge I decided to develop an annual plan to lower my handicap, as I felt developing a five year plan straight off would have been nigh on impossible and susceptible to significant change.
In constructing my thinking I took inspiration from another of Sir Clive's anecdotes, The self confessed, crazy Australian dentist who completely redefined his business from the ground up. In my thinking I reasoned that golf was too complex to learn all at once, and as a result I decided to concentrate my efforts on the short game in year one, working backwards from green to tee. That meant I needed the best support and equipment for pitching, chipping and putting I could find. Queue Bob Rotella, Dave Pelz, expensive custom fit clubs and two dedicated lessons with my teaching pro, one on putting and the other on chipping. All I can report is so far so good and my practice analysis certainly reflects a significant amount of time dedicated to these disciplines.
I believe my plan is a well structured and detailed one and there'll be further insight tomorrow when I share my take on Sir Clive's concepts of Total Rugby, This is England and Second Half Thinking.
If you just can't wait for the book review you can order your copy of Winning! by clicking the image below:

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