It will come as absolutely no surprise that I really rate this book. Like Sir Clive I'm also a Loughborough graduate and first read Winning! shortly after receiving my MSc in Sport & Leisure Management. My course was taught by a combination of the highly regarded business and sport schools (Sir Clive was a Sport Science graduate). In hindsight Sir Clive's autobiography could have been a core text.
The core underlying principles of positive thinking, creativity, innovation and dedication, to look at the smallest details to ensure the maximum impact are transferable to all walks of life. What sets this book apart is how the open narrative explores the challenges, mistakes and failings in more detail than the triumphs. Success at the 2003 World Cup wasn't just down to a generation of gifted players, a visionary coach and an inspirational captain. It was down to seven years of meticulous preparation to cultivate a Winning! environment, an unshakeable team spirit and well drilled and regimentally organised elite sports team.
I think there's lots that the everyday golfer with aspirations to improve their handicap could learn from reading this book. A major one being how to 'get out of their own way'.
Perhaps having studied business and management, worked in sport and with a current job that includes responsibility for evaluation, this book would naturally appeal to me more than average joe golfer. However, I strongly believe that anyone who reads this book will learn a number of things that they could apply to their business or sporting lives.
My rating (in a golfing context) 84% (as a brilliant book) 97%
To buy a copy of Winning! please click the image below:

ISBN: 978-0-340-83630-9
Hello, enjoying the blog & looking forward to see how your scores fare.
I’m 28hcp at the moment (year two of my golfing odyssey – target to get to 24 this year).
Re Clive Woodward – I’ve always avoided rugby like the plague, but I think he got involved in football @ southampton? and didn’t have a very positive impact? Any ideas why that might be?
Hey there, glad you are enjoying the blog. With regards to Southampton and the Lions tour, I think the key thing is time and calibre of players. At the RFU he had great players at his disposal but it still took him 7 years to turn them into world beaters. He didn’t have the time with the Lions and the time or quality at Southampton ;0)
You sell the book well tho ! a bit like Covey’s 7 habits.
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