Monday 17 January 2011

SKLZ Fly Trap: Equipment Review

SKLZ Fly Trap Chipping Net

It's not very often I post a review of a training aid this quickly. I usually like to take some time with it and see if there are any on course improvements as a result. This is the exception to that rule. As an idea it is very straightforward. Most people practice chipping into a bucket or umbrella. This takes the latter and evolves it into a more refined, precise training aid.

The flytrap opens up like an umbrella and has helped me use my rather small garden as a great place to practice my short game touch. There are five holes of different sizes cut into the front, each with a net behind to catch your chips. There is also a larger net to collect any wayward shots that don't find a target. Depending on size and location, each hole offers the player a range of scores for a successful chip.Hit your shot too hard and it will be catapulted back out again. This is a game for imagaination and finesse and it promotes, softer hands, improved technique and visualisation.

I practiced on this today for an hour and it was so addictive. Trying to beat your best score adds pressure but also makes it extremely fun. Protected the lawn with an old bit of carpet  and began to work on my three main priorities:
  •  visualise the shot
  • keep your hands soft and quiet
  • keep a bit more of your weight on your left foot
I can honestly say it helped with all three. Chipping 20 balls at a time my scores are still woeful with 11 points out of a possible 100 being my best. That said at the start I rarely had control of my ball and with my last attempt I managed to slot almost half the balls (eight single pointers and a three). A cracking training aid that gets a big thumbs up from me. With my putting mat, the heath for pitching and now the fly trap honing the short game away from teh course just got a whole lot easier!

Rating 88%

To buy the Fly Trap please click here.

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