More good news: I'm now aiming to play more golf this month as a result (Harry I hope this makes both you and me happy!)
Conundrum: I now am in a quandary as to what order I prioritise my next purchases.
The selection is as follows:
- Lessons
- Distance Measuring Device
- Driver
- Fairway
- Hybrids
- Lob wedge
Now the lessons are a number one priority but do I stick with my 1/2 hour lessons every 3/4 weeks and video my swing myself, or do I go for 1 hour video lessons every 3/4 weeks or something in between. Obviously the longer lessons are more expensive and that eats into the rest of my budget.
Next comes the DMD. I know approximately how far I hit my clubs. I know approximately how far away the green/hazards are. I'm not convinced approximately is good enough. I had my heart set on a laser, the readers of this blog and GM forum convinced me otherwise. I'm planning on getting a Shotmiser but how much of a priority is it?
Would I for example be better off expanding my club selection (queue a chorus of people urging me to stop being silly and buy a 3 wood)! Now the game plan is staying in place until at least the end of June but at that point there will be a review of my swing, and performance with my long irons. It would take some serious convincing to persuade me to buy a driver (I am currently planning on waiting till August 2011)! However, depending on how things are going a 3 wood or pair of hybrids (2 iron & 3 iron) may not be out of the question. Which would you buy first though?
Which leads to the next dilemma. My short game is improving. I'm learning new shots such as the flop. Would I be best off investing in a lob wedge for those tight summer lies and taking my short game to the next level?
Answers on a post card, or in the little white box below...

I agree that a GPS will help you figure out some of the finer points of course management and is probably the best buy at this point.
Lessons are important if your trying to learn the game and do things properly, however you seem to be reading books and teaching yourself a good bit about golf so maybe you don’t need to step up the lessons at the moment. Personally I think you’d be better off taking one or two less and just getting out there and learning yourself. You’d free up some more money too. That is just my opinion though and probably a fairly different one than most.
After the GPS I think you should buy a 3 wood or a driver with a shortened shaft (42.5 – 44.5 inches). Get out there and have a bit of fun knocking some balls about really hard!! Remember if you want if to go a long way you need to hit it really hard!! keeping a relaxed grip and fluid well timed swing too obviously! I think you have done the right thing by not getting anything long yet but after a month or so at your new club you’ll want to keep up with most people and I think it’ll probably be the right time to do so.
You won’t be forgetting about your short game though as you’ll still be working hardest on this and after the GPS and the Driver or 3 wood you should be getting that lob wedge. That there is what I reckon!
My priorities, bearing in mind the limited resources of time & money! have been
1. playing as much as possible
2. decent irons (4 – p + sw)
3. decent putter,
4. decent 3 wood.
Next priorities are playing as much as possible, then torn between hybrid and driver. Then a decent bag.
Call me old fashioned but two reasons why i can’t ever see me getting a dmd type thing:
1. I enjoy the tradition and thinking about distances.
2. my mates would mercilessly rip the P out of me. non-stop. forever. as i would them.
note : these are my current opinions and subject to change at the drop of a hat ;)
Thank you both for your views. I have been thinking long and hard about that lob wedge. My half swing is so well grooved now that I’m extremely consistent on distance (just need to get my ball striking consistency up from about 60% to 90% and I’m cooking on gas. As a result another wedge for my short game is immensely tempting.
I had hoped for more comments but I guess the topic of my future club purchases is bordering on tedious now.
NowtFancy I have quite the opposite position on the GPS front. Everyone I play with wants me to get one so they can get some info off me when we play without the expense! What is looking increasingly likely is the next club purchase being a toss up between a custom fit 3 wood or another wedge. Distance or versatility? Mmmm.
I’m not sure where to begin really. My advice would probably to stick with the lessons in the format you have them in and maybe get an emergency session if it goes wrong. A 3 wood would be a good purchase to give you a better option off the tee. I think you know homw much my DMD helps especially when choosing the right club in from 120 yards and in.
I think you have enough on your plat without learnign trick shots like the flop. I have a 60 wedge and only use it in the summer when the rough around the greens is thicker and the greens are harder to play bunker shots. It can cost me as many shots as it saves.
Other than that I’d see how your game progresses over the summer and maybe add a hybrid and then a 5 wood if the longer swing hold up.
Tiger. For my two pennies worth – get a three wood – the 2008 TM burner is good, see if you can try it somewhere before you buy. When your playing regularly you’ll want to knock it a bit further off the tee. You can always hit it off the deck too, most are quite forgiving these days. You could probably pick a wedge up on fleabay pretty cheaply too, if you just can’t resist.
The 3 Wood camp is gathering momentum I see. Had Birdieman chirping on the forum that I needed some length (and not in the trouser department). Any other 3 wood recommendations for my researching. So far TM Burner 08 and Mizuno MX700 on the list.
Simon Hutton
Just discovered this blog – a wonderful read, will be following through the RSS feed from now on!
I too am a brand new golfer, just started with lessons and my aim is to get a handicap of 28 by the end of this season. Like you, I am charting my progress online @
Thanks for the posts, keep up the good work
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