Well today I'll be heading up to the club for the first time in a long time. I'll be taking my new practice aids with me and trying to get the swing working again. In the meantime I have found my gaming gifts a suitable distraction. For anyone who owns a PS3 I cannot rate F1 2010, Call of Duty:Black Ops and Red Dead Redemption highly enough. Brilliant games. I've also dug out my copy of Tiger Woods 2010 and it got me wondering about this upcoming golfing year. If Westwood breaks his Major duck this season, cements his status as World number one and continues to add to his huge collection of trophies: will we see his own computer game released?
Personally, I'm looking forward to the IJP mini games: Super Mars Bars Salesman anyone? Before you ask, yes I was bored that day!
Anyway back to the golf and I have to admit to being a little bit apprehensive. I'm hoping to play a full round on Thursday but must admit to being worried about how that turns out. Hopefully, today will allay all of those fears.
I hope you all had a great Christmas break and those of you have got golfing goodness have been able to get out on the course.
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