Funds are tight, so unfortunately I may well have to wait till April and the start of the new season - far from ideal. That said I have more than enough length in the bag, just not enough accuracy. However, there are 3 models that have caught my eye and when decision time comes I'm hoping that my ball striking will have improved sufficiently for me to pick the club that I have fallen in love with.
I'll keep you guessing as to what that might be and start with the two sensible choices. Ping owns the upper end of bag, with both my hybrid and 3 wood being fruits of their labour. Given my handicap the K15 is the logical starting point. Massively forgiving this club is designed to optimise a straight ball flight. I have heard that this also comes with a ridiculously high (potentially vertical) launch. Mmmm. That said the engine of the club is in the shaft and potentially with a lower launching option that could be negated. Despite my ongoing trials and tribulations I still believe that there is a half decent golfer waiting to burst out and I have the feeling that when he finally does, this ultimate game improving club may well end up being traded in.
The logical choice would be the G15. I have it's brother and sister in the shape of the hybrid and 3 wood. I love the feel off the face on both those clubs Add that t the fact that almost every magazine that has reviewed it has drooled over its performance and it's a no-brainer-surely? Well it was, even before the poll I ran on the blog, which seemed to excite you all as much as a dose of man flu! I haven't been able to road test one yet but hopefully my pro will have a demo club in a stiff shaft in the New Year. The downside is the fact that I would love to be fitted at Ping HQ, which is effing miles away. That said given my ability, numbers do not lie, a stock Serrano stiff in a 10.5 will probably be the order of the day anyway.
Anyway, I digress, as mentioned until recently there was no need for my head to rule my heart as the pair of them were in total agreement. That was until I saw this.

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