Let it never be said that I'm not committed to the cause. While our neighbours boast beautifully manicured emerald carpets of grass, they would be forgiven for thinking that our patch has developed a case of floral alopecia. I don't get on too well with lightweight chipping mats and the more durable versions are just too pricey for my pocket. As a result my garden has taken a bit of a battering.
I destroyed our outdoor airer practicing my long iron swing with airflow balls. To be fair I thought there was plenty of room for my follow through but it turned a smidgeon in the breeze and that was enough for me to snag it and completely obliterate its clothes hanging properties. Then there was the proliferation of broken tees and divot marks as I worked on my downswing. The latest destructive activity is chipping into my brolley.
A year ago I loved that lawn, even put down some Evergreen to cheer up any passing frogs. Now it is a divot and weed strewn disaster area. That said we haven't lived here that long and we do have plans to put down some decking/paving and make it a little more homely, so in my defence we'd have needed to tear most of it up anyway.
What will I do then I hear you ask? I've got two words for you: putting green. Now does anyone know where I can get a cheap cylindrical mower?
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